A Tyrant Judge

  • 19 Feb 2023
  • Crime and Legal
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The legal power of the Judge was great, and some let this be known clearly, Judge Hawkins, for instance was a tyrant in his court, and always refused to have any window open. The Mayor of Worcester was visibly affected, and to make for the exit, but the Judge ordered him to sit down. He continued however, and made his exit.

Mr Justice Jelf, often at Worcester, was very different. On one occasion when he was officiating here, a prisoner who was something of a hypocrite, tried to melt him with tears. 'Have you never been to prison? asked Mr Jelf in smooth tones, 'Never, my lord, never', was the reply. 'Well, don't cry', the Recorder replied, 'That can easily be remedied. I'll send you there now'. (31.03.1900)