Hanley Quay Ferry

  • 30 Oct 2021
  • Bridges and Ferries
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The only reference to a ferry at this point, known to the present day, is one by Mrs. Berkeley, who in 1924, wrote of a waterside inn called the Hanley Quay, as follows:.

'The Hanley Quay stood close to the ferry and drew a big custom from its position. Barges and boats called here. Coal was landed here for Malvern, and in the summer, the tea-garden was crowded with folk from Upton, and frequent balls and parties were held in the winter in the long room upstairs. You walk down a lane, and come to a cottage which had so much to do with the business and pleasures of the village; the good lady who lives in it will tell you how many dances she footed up aloft in her young days, and what fetes were held on 19th of May, what space the crinoline took-up, and how fights were settled there by drink or fisticuffs'.