Cathedral Bell Stolen

  • 17 Mar 2019
  • Historical Studies
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In 1863, the Worcester Chronicle published the startling announcement that one of the great bells of Worcester Cathedral, weighing 5 cwt. had recently been stolen, 'it was not known how or when but it must have been within the last few months'. 

A ring of eight bells had existed at the Cathedral, and an American, who had visited the Tower, guided by a young ringer, informed the Custos that there were only seven. They all ascended, and though the rope and tackle remained, the treble bell had gone. It would certainly have needed pulleys to have taken it down, but the mystery was never cleared up. The story had a happy ending however, for an appeal was made to replace the bell, and cheques rolled in so well that it was possible to place an order for the present peal of 16 bells.