Robert Baker & Royal Worcester

  • 17 Jan 2012
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Skilled potter and teacher, became Professor of Ceramics at the Royal Collage of Art. In 1959 he left that post to join the Board of the Royal Worcester Porcelain, bringing with him some of his most talented colleagues and students. Two designs are associated with Robert Baker, the Evesham ware and the Wild Harvest.  was one of Baker's most inspired introduction and was a great success from the start to the present day. The Evesham design celebrated 30 years of great popularity in 1992, it being estimated that it can be seen in one in five households in the United Kingdom, and must now rival the Willow Pattern an all time popularity. Robert Baker was born at Bilston in 1909, and was always known at Worcester as 'Prof'. He died in 1992 aged 82.