About us

About us

Pam Hinks became interested in Genealogy some 40 years ago whilst researching her family history. At the time of starting her research things were somewhat different from today.

Some years ago Pam contacted the late Bill Gwilliam and arranged to meet him together with his son David with a view to ask permission to place some of Bill's work on the net for all to benefit from, Bill and his son happily agreed. Whilst adding various information to the site, a lot of time was spent searching through record  after record, in some parts amendments were made eg.when a building changed etc and now the more recent changes of Worcester and it's people will continue to be researched and added to the site, this site is to keep the real people of Worcestershire through many centuries to more modern times that we can all learn from their real life experiences.

Pam, continue's to research Worcester's history and Genealogy past researched included, Baby Ryan born in the County Gaol but sadly dying some days later being the first burial in Worcester's Astwood Cemetery, Other Worldwide organisations have also used Pam's research including CNN but no more so exciting contact was made than an enquiry from Canada, regarding a Worcester family and the exciting development of the  "Portrait of William Shakespeare" which a documentary called "Battle of Wills" by Anne Henderson followed Pam around various sites in the Midlands in search of the family. The documentary has now been shown on Canadian TV channel Bravo several times, also opened the Montreal Film Festival and shown Worldwide at a number of different outlets, with co-starring Joseph Fiennes who played leading role in "Shakespeare in Love" and Simon Callow CBE English Actor, Writer and Musician amongst other leading world experts.

The walking in the footsteps of Shakespeare and the Sanders family took a twenty year journey from Worcester to the other side of the World which the research and findings will eventually be uploaded on Worcester People & Places  as an important record of not only Shakespeare's connections to the Worcester family but also other historic facts that have been discovered.. 





Watch this space .....

We have now collated 745 articles on the History of Worcester & Worcestershire.